Watermarbling for dummies

Well not quite, but anyone who is into nail art will know just how difficult this is when you first try. For anyone not familiar with this term watermarble is what happens when you drip drops of polish into a glass or cup of water and make pretty patterns with it. Well no fear Rebecca is here..I say that like I’m a pro at it but I’m not. ๐Ÿ˜‚ but I want to give you a few tips and some advice that I’ve picked up along the way so you too can pull this off 

Petal watermarble using pscosmetics pastel collection 

Well firstly you will need

  1. Plastic cup or tumbler glass
  2. New runnier nail polish, old ones just never seem to work well
  3. Cotton pads 
  4. Something thin to draw patterns with i reccomend the whatssupnails watermarble tool also available in the uk at Nailartuk
  5. Patience 
  6. Alcohol (optional)
  7. A break and cookies (also optional) 
  8. Something to protect the rest of your finger, liquid latex is good, but sellotape also works
  9. Those little cotton buds on sticks.. 

Right so firstly one thing I learned is to always keep your water and polish at room temperature, I usually put them in the same place in a warm room the night before if I know I’m going to be doing it I’ve found this to be a great help. I always boil water and put it in a water bottle and leave for a day, tap water just never worked for me without boiling it. Watch plenty of videos on YouTube for the longer ones and practice finger placement, trust me it’s trickier than it looks. 

Start off with a simple design such as two or three colours, if you find that it’s not spreading give the glass a tap or gently use a cotton bud and touch the edges of the water to bring it out. 

And don’t forget to leave your finger in the water till you have cleaned up the rest of the unused polish and be very careful to slide it out! I really hope this helps as this is what helped me along the way! 

Here’s a pretty fishtail I did previously with this method

Hope you enjoyed reading this let me know in the comments below๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– 

Rebecca xx

My favourite indie polish

Today I wanted to share with you my favourite indie polish, Princess nail lacquer  ๐Ÿ‘‘ if the name doesn’t instantly grab you in, then I’m sure her beautiful polishes will.  

Ashleigh has been making nail varnish for around three years is based in Scarborough uk and has a beautiful collection of princessey varnishes 

Pastel rainbow goodness

All of her polishes are a beautiful consistency and you gain full coverage in usually one or two coats. I really just can’t fault them. The service I receive when I order is just beautiful, always super fast delivery she’s know I just can’t wait for nail lacquer..  I must have about 20 of her polishes and I still keep going back for more. Some people may say I’m obsessed but when you find a good brand that’s affordable and performs how you want it too it’s hard to stay away. 
Here I watermarbled her beautiful summer pastel collection

Ashleigh has so many polishes theres always something that makes me poor. I recently ordered one of her surprise grab bags, it was seriously suprisingly glitter heaven, beautifully wrapped. You just can’t beat nail mail. Here’s some of my nail art using princess polish 
My Surprise grab bag goodies includes- nail studs, know your glow, you want thingamabobs, poor unfortunate soul and glass slipper. 

 Here I used lily, ivy and jasmine from the summer pastel collection

For this one I used blinged out blue, know your glow, poppin pink, mermaid tears and through the Galaxy plus her top coat “glass slipper

 More pastels lily, ivy, jasmine and lavender

Id love you to check her out and who knows maybe it will become your favourite too 


Princess nail lacquer
Thanks for reading 

Rebecca xx 

Newbie on the block

Well I finally did it and started a blog, I’ve been whizzing this idea round my brain for a few weeks and finally got my bottom into gear and bit the bullet. 

My name is Rebecca, I live in West Yorkshire with my 3 adorable (most of the time) children and my fiancรฉ  who is probably suffering in silence with all my nail talk and a crazy kitten. I have a very BIG passion for nails, anything that involves my nails or your nails totally turns me on.. Well not quite but you understand ๐Ÿ˜‚

I first got into nailart when I randomly posted a picture of my mermaid nails on Instagram only a few months back and then the door was open and what was seen couldn’t be unseen, I was totally amazed and instantly knew this was for me. I’m very much an amateur and I’m still learning, some times my nails are on point and everything goes right and most of the time I’m a  total nailfailer.. That’s totally my new word for me. 

So I thought I would start up a blog to share with all the other nail obsessed ladies out there all my nail adventures, tips and tricks that I’ve come across so far and some reviews from the products I use and love.

I love stamping, water marbling occasional swatching, freehand and indie polishes and anything pastel or neon instantly gets a thumbs up from me, I’m also a passionate Meebox subscriber! 
So how did I do for my first blog post? It’s honestly the longest thing I’ve written in ages and I can’t wait to get started on the blog adventure I’m really looking forward to sharing it with the blog world!! 

Rebecca xx